The Most Powerful Way To Support Your Husband

Jordan regularly tells me that he can tackle anything if he feels like I support him no matter what. One of the best ways I’ve found to support him is to pray for him daily. I really believe that praying over your husband is the most empowering thing you can do as his wife. I’ve tried to do this every day since we were dating and these days I like to pray for him out loud during my morning time with Finnley – never too young to teach them how to start the day right!

When I pray for Jordan I pray for the day ahead of him and whatever it might hold. I pray for the specific requests we are waiting for God to answer in that season as a couple and the things he has told me he’d like me to pray for (we ask each other how we can pray for one another every once in a while… we should do it more!) And then there are a few things I try to pray over him every day and have, in some variation, for years:
1) I pray that God will continue to shape Jordan into the man, husband, and father He created him to be. That Jordan would be a man after God’s own heart.
2) That he would hear God and that God would give him a clear calling, direction,and passion.
3) I pray that God would lead Jordan and show him how to love and lead our family.
4) I pray for God to bless his steps and show him favor. In his day, in his relationships, in his workplace… That God would grant success as Jordan pursues the desires of his heart.
5) That God would enlarge his territory and bring him opportunity. And that God would help Jordan to be a good steward of what He gives so that He sees fit to entrust him with more. *This is a prayer I have prayed over myself since I was a teenager after I read The Prayer of Jabez. It’s expanded since I first started asking this big ask and I’m telling you, God answers!
6) And ultimately, I pray for God to answer our prayers in immeasurable ways, greater than we could ask or imagine; that His glory shines through us.

[Check out my savable/printable prayer pages here!]

This prayer is always evolving as God inspires and encourages me with different parts of his word. There’s just something powerful in praying straight from the Bible. The more I read the more I realize that the Bible is full of God loving His people in these ways and He is faithful to answer when they pray them over themselves and for others. Here’s a few of my favorite examples:
Proverbs 16:3, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, 1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22, Psalm 37:4, Deuteronomy 28:8, Ephesians 3:20

When your husband tells you about a victory you’ve been praying for it’s so special. So share the things God is telling you and doing in your heart with your husband and encourage him to do the same. When Jordan and I do this we see God align our hearts and speak to us, not just as individuals, but as a unit. As we share our hearts with each other and the things God is revealing to us individually, it helps us to know each other’s hearts in a deeper way and we’re able to encourage each other to be more sensitive to what God might be trying to say.

If you’re waiting and hoping to be married, I encourage you to start praying intentionally for the man God may be preparing for you. If you’re in a relationship, start doing this. I really believe it will not only bless the life of that man, it will refocus your hopes for him to be God’s hopes for him and help you to start seeing and loving him more like Jesus does. Even if you don’t know him or know he’s the one, your prayers will still bless him while you wait. Ephesians 5:22 says, “Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ.”(msg) We’re told in the Bible that Jesus intercedes with God on our behalf. What a way to fulfill the calling in Ephesians and love others like he does – what a way for wives to love, support, and empower their husbands – by interceding on their behalf. Build your own daily prayer for the one you love and see how it starts to impact both your lives!

16 responses to “The Most Powerful Way To Support Your Husband”

  1. I love this!! Thank you for sharing! I look forward to reading more. I love seeing pics of your little fam ❤️

    1. Thanks so much Mikenzee!! 💗

  2. Beautiful way to love and support your husband! Thank you, Lauren!

  3. I love love this! My husband and I pray together but I never thought about praying specifically over my husband. So powerful! Thank you for sharing this.

    1. You are so welcome! SO glad it encouraged you to try something new in your marriage! I’ve found it to make such a difference in mine.

  4. As a newly wed this was very helpful and encouraging! Love that you started this, I’m looking forward to reading more:)

  5. SO good! Just finished reading the book The Power of a Praying Wife which has been a gamer changer for me, thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Thank you!! I actually haven’t read that one, but I think I need to!

  6. SO good! This is super similar to a book I just finished, The Power of a Praying Wife which was a total game changer in the way I pray! Thanks for sharing, looking forward to reading more!

    1. sorry I commented twice!

    2. Some else actually just told me that too! I can’t believe I haven’t read that yet, but I need to get on it! 😊 thanks so much!

  7. […] character and the life He’s called us to in His word. (You can read more about that here!) I really believe prayer is the most powerful way I can support my husband – we’ve got […]

  8. […] like NO ONE ELSE! I’ve talked before about how the most powerful way to do this is through prayer (read that here!), but I think the second most powerful way to do that is to intentionally speak positively about him […]

  9. […] it into practice: if you don’t know where to start, I’ve got a whole blog post on how to pray for your husband! You can read it here and even print out the prayers to post them somewhere you’ll be reminded every […]

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